MOTE is an extensible space simulation game set in a dynamic universe. It is set in the distant future where four factions battle for control of known space. You start off with a small ship and you can go wherever you want from there. Eventually you will be able to interact with hundreds of other players on-line in the multi-player version.


Scenario - plot and stuff
Ship Gallery - pretty pictures



Latest News






Coding Information

31st August 2001 - Edwin has begun writing an introductory document on developing for Mote. This is aimed at people who are interested in getting involved, it covers "the overall structure of the game and looks at the important classes, algorithms and design decisions". Comments are welcomed as to what should be in this document to help people get involved. Other documents on coding for Mote can be found at Edwin's Mote pages.

Mote webpage meets hitop

31st October 2000 - Yes, it finally happened, the Mote website has now been redone using hitop.

Web page design updated

18th October 2000 - We now have a new design for the webpage courtesy of James our graphics bod.

Linux Game Tome publicise Mote

9th September 2000 - Mote has received its first attention from the great wide world. The Linux Game Tome, aka, carried a news article about Mote.

New look webpage arrives

7th September 2000 - This page is the first page to receive the full on glamour treatment, courtesy of James our graphics man. As you can see it doesn't all work yet, e.g. the left-hand navigation bar, but we're getting there now. The site is starting to get the right look 'n' feel, as they say.

The Second Mote Conference

26th August 2000 - MoteCon II was held in Burntisland, Scotland. The conference covered many topics including a review of progress made since the previous conference, held in May 2000, discussion on general programming and plot issues and format for the webpages. Minutes are availablehere.

The First Mote Conference

20th May 2000 - Held in Edinburgh, Scotland. Well, it happened a fair while before this website actually existed so I won't do anything more than just point you to the minutes of the meeting.

© The Mote Project 2000. Designed by James Quinney and implemented by Stephen Quinney. Last updated: 12:45:46 on 31/08/2001

For more information on the Mote Project you can contact: