This collection of papers is intended to both provide an insight into the living development process of Mote and enable developers to formalise their thoughts in a more public environment than the development mailing lists. Initially, this document will contain:
Unstable, evolving and sometimes downright silly. These do make an interesting read, however, especially to end users.
The canonical example of this are Stuart Bird's network architecture related papers, or possibly something relating to Jon Anderson's dynamic music architecture.
For example, "why choose Perl?" or "why are we trying XGL?" and so forth. The first paper in this section will outline the current licensing controversy, once it is resolved.
For curious users only. Basically this will be one paper giving a pointer to bits of code, graphics and so forth that people may want to try. A classic example is the current sound architecture; this document may contain a quick guide to dropping sound into Mote yet will be completely unsupported (as we don't have any approved effects yet).