About The Developers

Currently the core Mote development team is composed of:

Edwin Brady.

    DurhamUnited Kingdom

Edwin works on the game engine, design and anything else that needs doing. The visionary behind the Mote project and responsible for the smooth running of the SourceForge account and possibly the most alarming install of Cygwin never imagined...

Andrew Chadwick.

  LondonUnited Kingdom

Andrew performs the essential task of connecting Perl and the game engine together, writes stunning technical documentation for same and hacks a mesh editor. Insiders believe Andrew does not require sleep.

Stuart Teasdale.

  PortchesterUnited Kingdom

Stuart provides tool support, testing, network code and the all important ideas.

James Quinney.

  EdinburghUnited Kingdom

James provides graphics, game object models and a never ending stream of ideas to direct the development effort. Think of him when marvelling at the pretty lights on the control panel.

Steve Quinney.

  DurhamUnited Kingdom

Steve maintains the Mote project website and tests the various parts of the system.

These developers are not the only ones making Mote what it is today and realising everything it can be. Without the reality checks and ideas from potential end users and others to numerous to name the project would not have advanced so fast. The Mote project is greatly indebted to all those who have ever expressed an interest or words of encouragement.