Introduction To Mote

David Nutter


Mote is a GPL-licensed 3D space exploration and trading game written in C++, extensible in Perl and (temporarily) Guile Scheme. This document provides an introduction to the Mote project including obtaining source, compiling and execution, testing of sorts, frequently asked questions and a listing of Mote resources.

There is much yet to be completed! See the TODO Listing section for forthcoming improvements.

General Project Information

The Mote source code is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). You should have recieved a copy of this license with the Mote software and source; if this is not the case please contact your vendor(s). Alternatively more information may be obtained from The Free Software Foundation and The Open Source Organisation. For more information on Mote itself, please see the development homepage at the SourceForge site and the general web presence. Updated versions of the project and these documents will frequently become available at these locations. Please note that the Mote data files including but not limited to the ship models and three stories are currently copyrighted to their respective authors (all rights reserved); fair use is therefore restriced to that available under applicable law. An appropriate license for these data filese is currently in preparation. This document therefore remains unlicensed until the license issue is resolved though it is expected the free components shall be released under the Artistic license whilst the complete document (including the non-free components) shall be released under the terms of the aforementioned licence.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
Design Goals
About The Developers
2. Getting Started
Downloading and installing the Mote source
Installing source dependencies
Configuration and compilation
Running and testing the game
Controlling Your Ship
Reporting bugs and further information
Mote Bug Report
Known Bugs and Issues
Frequently Asked Questions
Joining The Project
3. TODO Listing